Delany Leitch
Co-Founder and contributor
Delany is a proudly rooted in Dutton-Dunwich, Ontario, a rural township between the cities of Chatham and London and along the north shore of Lake Erie. A recent graduate of the University of Ottawa, she is a passionate historian hoping to enter the museum profession and will be attending the University of Western Ontario in the Master of Public History program this fall.
During her time in our nation’s capital, Delany cultivated an interest in politics and deep appreciation for the people involved in Canadian governance. She was honoured to take part in a variety of exciting opportunities on and around Parliament Hill, meeting exceptional people of all political stripes and learning more about the inner workings of our government. Her greatest thrill to date has been her role as the Elgin-Middlesex-London representative during Equal Voice’s Daughters of the Vote initiative, which opened the door for even more political endeavors and fostered continuing personal and professional growth.
While she is relatively new to the political world, Delany intends to continue the trajectory of her experiences thus far and become more involved in her municipality as she returns home. She is most passionate about issues pertaining to rurality in Canada, particularly rural youth, and hopes to be a positive force for change and community in the coming years.